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  • Writer's picture Giacomo Fantini

The Calves

1953 - Drammatico/Commedia - 1h 48m

Regia: Federico Fellini

Cast: Alberto Sordi, Franco Interlenghi, Franco Fabrizi, Leopoldo Trieste, Riccardo Fellini, Leonora Ruffo, Lida Baarowa, Arlette Sauvage, Vira Silenti, Naja Nipora, Jean Brochard, Claude Farrel, Carlo Romano, Enrico Viarisio, Paola Borboni, Silvio Bagolini

Five young people called the calves will have to face the differences of life, which before then they did not even think about it. Everyone has their own life and only thanks to their friendship will they be able to cope with their life difficulties and finally achieve autonomy.

Probably one of the most relevant films in the career of Federico Fellini, having also given them an international success, since the film will also be successful abroad, making Fellini's name famous even outside the Italian borders. Surely one of the most beautiful films in my opinion of the young Fellini little more than 30 years old, who did not expect even such a success, also being nominated for an Oscar for Best Screenplay, but above all the winning of the Silver Lion for Best Director at the Venice Film Festival.

Surely the great Federico has managed to tell a story where the primary element is youth and the mistakes of youth that will play their part the protagonists. The Rimini director is a monster who tells about everyday life and takes it to the cinema, and showing the various facets of young people as they try to create a life for themselves is something he has brought with excellent skill. Moreover, the story knows of autobiography already that Fellini himself said that he had relied a lot on his youth, and the mistakes he made like many boys.

The Calves

A film that finds many young actors who in the following years will be protagonists of the Italian comedy. We are talking in particular about Alberto Sordi, very young but already endowed with great class, and rightly chosen with class by Fellini himself after directing him in the Sheik white, despite the criticism for an actor who had not yet shown his talent in all respects. Honestly the part of the young man who does not want to grow up and that is the joy of the group, is not at the primary center of the story, so much so that his part amuses this is certain but is not as central as the director wanted; a childish character but also generous above all towards the mother and sister with whom The Roman actor will win the Silver Ribbon even if I do not understand why, although it remains memorable the scene in which Sordi makes the pernacchia and the sign of the umbrella to the poor farmers of the country who will then take revenge.

Fausto and Sandra

At the center of the story is Fausto (Franco Fabrizi), the leader of the group that after getting pregnant Sandra (Leonora Ruffo), will have to start to become great, even if given the 30 years autonomy should be at home. A character who unfortunately approaches the example of a boy who is forced to marry his girlfriend despite the desire to continue being a Womanizer, which he will do even after the wedding; despite this the good he feels for his wife Sandra, beautiful girl and innocent face forced to become a mother too soon, will make him return to his own. The beauty of creating your own family is a primary element of the film.

We also talk about treason, which Fausto will do many times, also losing his face in front of Moraldo who for him is like a younger brother. He will try with all of them even with the boss's wife, making it even worse and I do not speak only for his fame as don Giovanni that haunts him, but betraying Sandra who loves him very much is something I have not endured. Also because the girl is a rare person that every man should have, and that Fausto will not understand immediately, as if he can not do without despite the fact that there is actually love for the girl.

The famous Sordi scene

The rest of the group is also no less, where Moraldo himself (Franco Interlenghi), Sandra's brother and the most autonomous of the group, will try to understand the true meaning of life, but the vicissitudes related to Fausto will make him change his mind about his future and finally decide to leave the city. A serious character but endowed with character and kindness. Leopoldo (Leopoldo Trieste) and Riccardo (Riccardo Fellini), are probably the two most obscure characters of the group, the first aspiring screenwriter and the second aspiring soprano (as well as the director's brother); not delving into their lives was a mistake so much that they go into the background for almost the entire film, as if they were spare wheels.

The setting of the film in Rimini, the director's hometown, made the film a splendid choreography and gives the sense of the Mediterranean island more splendid than ever, and not the usual Rome or Milan that we are used to seeing. In collaborating with his beloved friend Nino Rota, Fellini tried to mimic romantic symphonies, also wanting to follow the scenes of the group's jokes with funny and fast melodies as is the beauty of being young and unrestrained. In a nutshell, a film made of friendship and youth growth, two important elements to become autonomous.

by Giacomo Fantini rating: 3,80 of 5

27 May 2021

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