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  • Writer's picture Giacomo Fantini

Do Not Kill Me

2021 - Horror/Sentimentale - 1h 50m

Regia: Andrea De Sica

Cast: Alice Pagani, Rocco Fasano, Silvia Calderoni, Fabrizio Ferracane, Sergio Albelli, Giacomo Ferrara, Anita Caprioli

Mirta's life changes when she meets Robin, a drug-and risk-addicted boy, and falls in love with him. The boy promises her eternal love with the phrase" We will return and love each other forever", and so the girl comes back to life, but nothing is the same anymore. She has to deal with a monstrous version of herself, a creature that eats human flesh in order to survive while searching for her lover and is threatened by a secret sect that tries to kill her.

The film is based on the novel of the same name by Chiara Palazzolo from 2005, who wants to give the world of vampire films a wink, even if there is no real talk in the vampire film. There were also those who had the courage to compare the Film Version of Twilight in the Italian style, in my opinion, a comparison that doesn't approach you in your dream, this is a love story between Mirta and Robin is completely different than the story between Edward and Bella is given on all fronts, I can move on to the environments Gothic / dark assomigliarci but nothing more than that, but, above all, the feeling that this Film will bring you a different, or (and this is), the Film wants to talk about it , like two people who really love each other, find each other again and again, even if they are in the form of the dead.

I due protagonisti: Mirta e Robin

The character of Mirta is comparable to that of a Zombie, but with a reason and feelings, and not only the desire to eat human flesh, and only, even if in the first scene, the girl seemed to be more of a toxic, to be a living dead, and not just by coloring the Skera (the white part of the eye) and the Iris in all black like the same hands, if the girl has the need for food for you to become a Zombie; not the perfect role for Alice Pagani, after he received the fame with the TV series Baby, he was excited. I was disappointed by the performance of both the actress and the marches: the girl who walks through the country in search of food, while she has flashbacks about her love story between high and low, even though sometimes the tension is felt especially in the scenes of bloody (you say) I can save a little from the girl model who is carried away by the dark part around him.

Your lover, that is, the providing of Rocco Fasano if you wanted to take a cue from Edward Cullen to interpret Robin, he is wrong a lot, then of course, you could talk about the resemblance to the vampire the most famous of cinema of recent years: a boy alone in the world of which we know almost nothing, and that is addicted to drugs and the risk that resembles in many parts the beautiful guy and the damned who drives mad the girl with his strange character, a rebel, the actor was famous for his participation in the series, Skam Italia, he was involved in the desire to be for the first Time, the absolute Protagonist of a film who fights to a large extent; also, because he is almost non-existent throughout the Film, he appears in a flashback of the girl and in the end creates a halo of mystery about his role as the friend/enemy.

The rest of the cast try to stay dark behind the settings, but I have not heard of this pathos that was to bring the film, both the father and mother of Mirta (Anita Caprioli and Sergio Albelli) remain overwhelmed by the death of his daughter, and if the mother remains not shocked to see his daughter in front of them, in the form of zombies, the father, and made merry with her lover trying to sell things to her daughter. Even Robin's best friend Needle, whom many know for the part of Spadino in Suburra-the series, I can't decipher: he too is a drug addict, lives in his world of ghosts and before Mirta Zombie, is satisfied and still remains a character I can't understand. The girl is not the only one to be, as it is appointed sopramorta, that is, who died in a cruel way, and then it came back to life, she is frightened by his own shadow and it is understandable he meets Sara (Silvia Calderoni) another like her, who becomes mentor, even if it seems to me that she need help, and also she is a mysterious character, and confused, while killing the sect that wants to kill people like her and Mirta; and because the enemies are a sect that in the Middle Ages benandanti.

Andrea De Sica, Alice Pagani e Rocco Fasano durante un'intervista

As I said, this sect is responsible for the capture and kill the sopramorti, you have a base that is hidden, and not only they, and their leader Luca Bertozzi is even more alarming, though, as the whole cast are so few parts that I can't understand it, what is true, that a Chapter of this kind see of the few, only, well, the tension fucking with his expression cold and the walking man. I believe that the director Andrea De Sica, nephew of the legend of cinema Vittorio De Sica, had different expectations for a fantasy film with Gothic/dark tones, the few things that are saved and bring a dark and penetrating Rome. After the success of the TV series Baby, which he has directed some of the episodes, was faced with the test of directing a film, far from his reality film, with the help of the script by the group, Grams, and by the actress Alice Pagani (both members of the TV series mentioned) and repeat the previous success, something that has broken, and this is probably the way to be a film about vampires in the way of Italian, and the desire to sweep away the fans who would have seen, I believe in its quality that will lead him next.

And if the settings are acceptable, and seem suitable to be the film, leading to an Italy that is dark and bloody, you can say less of the scenes so cruel, between the living dead and the desire to feed on people still alive, which is certain, that if there is the desire to scare the viewers never this feeling; the tension has come, and a lot, arrichendo many missing parts, and without the movie, but in my opinion horror there is a track, and I think if you had best described the characters any chance to scare the viewers would be right. What about the soundtrack composed by the director himself and Andrea Farri (composer of the series Team Mafia and so on), both lead to a mixture of dark melodies and try to draw the viewer into a world of the brutal and dark of the film, but also the sense of transgression that the two protagonists have in their parts; the soundtrack The song is the carrier of the film or Not I kill, sung by Chadia Rodriguez and the same Alice Pagani who wanted to participate with the spoken, the same director who directed the video clips.

Chadia Rodriguez e Alice Pagani cantano Non mi uccidere

The song is one of the few things that saved thanks to the explosiveness and femininity, we are used to in the singer Italo marocchina, which is now known to the Public, and one of the revelations of the Italian rapper, who continues to be successful. In short, a film that has become too well known as one of the revelation films of 2021 and lacks the extra something to be really successful, but above all it lacks the substance of a real plot.

by Giacomo Fantini Review: 2.35 out of 5

2. May 2021

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