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  • Writer's picture Giacomo Fantini

All We Have To Do Is Cry

1984 - Commedia/Fantasy - 2h 25m

Regia: Massimo Troisi e Roberto Benigni

Cast: Massimo Troisi, Roberto Benigni, Iris Peynado, Amanda Sandrelli, Carlo Monni, Livia Venturini, Elisabetta Pozzi, Jole Silvani, Loris Bazzocchi, Nicola Morelli, Mario Diano, Peter Boom, Fiorenzo Serra, Stefano Gragnani, Galliano Mariani, Ronaldo Bonacchi, Paolo Bonacelli

Mario and Saverio are two great friends and co-workers, one day in not waiting for the arrival of the train they decide to take a side street, and then discover that they are for a way they do not know how to explain in Frittole, a Tuscan village, but in 1492. The two friends will have to find a way to return to their time as they try to adjust to the whole.

A wonderful film that tastes unique for the Union of two comedians like Massimo Troisi and Roberto Benigni, who also directed and scripted the film, making the film a comedy to be reviewed many times. See the class of the late neapolitan actor and the gab tuscan comic is a monster that is success, not only because the two actors make you laugh only moving but also because they have managed to reflect the great friendship that was there between the two out of the set in the film, with great emphasis, and knowing that one of them was the column of the other.

The famous scene of the guilders

Two unique characters, with the Tuscan comedian playing Saverio, elementary teacher and the most courageous and ingenious of the two, but also the most nervous, which is different for Troisi, he is the janitor and is the most bored even if with the Going of the film he will be able to set himself to the place. Troisi's comedy is unique, the Neapolitan actor was able to make his comic character unique with the only use of his dialectic, so much so that hearing him speak the narrow dialect you would tear yourself from laughing even if you understood half words of what he said. Similar thing for Benigni that in his comedy based on monologues and mimicry made his a great success. I must also say that the two when they spoke the dialect probably did not understand each other but also for what you do not stop laughing.

One acted as an advisor to the other, and if Troisi after having settled in the place put the shoes of the fake musician to conquer the beautiful Pia (which the debutant Amanda Sandrelli, daughter of the great Stefania and the musician Gino Paoli), interprets with fluency and delicacy, you can only ask for more than to make people laugh. Mythical the famous scene of the guilders that those who have seen the film Remember with enthusiasm, is that it was definitely the result of the couple Troisi-Benigni, between laughter and fun. But the mind of the two comedians takes us to a strange Tuscany of the late '400 truly strange and unique, between medieval villages and nature. Each person met by the two in the village brings great charisma, added to the name of the Borgo Frittole, that they could not better invent for an imaginary village and that you realize how much the two actors together have created something wonderful.

Troisi and Benigni with Vitellozzo

But if either of the two protagonists know by now, the fame and talent, an observation also goes to Vitellozzo (Carlo Monni), a butcher who will give shelter to the two protagonists, but there is little to say, we only know that his family will be slowly wiped out because of a feud with a man named Julian Of the Tow, but honestly, it is a goofy character and nevrotivo but that does not makes me laugh for how much need to do so. Would the knowledge of the beautiful Astriaha, a rider, what is strange for the middle ages that the two protagonists will take for an enemy but that will prove to be a close aide, but the character is too mysterious, and honestly, I did not understood what his true role, which she will tell us was responsible for killing the stranger that need to arrive in Spain, but his part ends there and is too little to understand what it really out of the two. Surely the curtain of Mario and Saverio with the beautiful Amazon who try to speak Spanish not to be recognized is unique especially for Benigni who not knowing how to speak a word of Spanish sudden a small curtain that only he could do.

The imaginary village of Frittole

Just said of the strange medieval village among the Tuscan countryside, and just seeing Tuscany and its countryside makes us understand the beauty of our beautiful country. I would also like to reflect on a character that I would have expected different, or Leonardo da Vinci (Paolo Bonacelli), the great painter and inventor fiorentino has been played with too much superficiality, there is nothing of the well-known inventor and if you want to laugh then not even that, I don't understand how Bonacelli was nominated for David di Donatello award for the role and not the two protagonisiti that would have deserved at least the nominations, I can't believe this still. Just this was a mistake, I can accept the non-nomination for the roles but at least for the direction or the script something benign-Troisi could win.

The two starred with Leonardo da Vinci

What definitely was not treated or taken under the leg was the arrival in Spain to find and prevent the departure of Christopher Columbus, inanzittutto of the Spanish state, I do not see the difference with the village of departure, with only the beach to the diversification of the place, are so similar that the places that the two protagonists don't seem to be going anywhere; surely they could deal with the theme of Columbus's departure to America in a better way, perhaps putting the character of the same Genoese Navigator something that is only mentioned but that I would have expected to see at least in a small part.

Benigni and Troisi with Amanda Sandrelli during filming

The soundtrack signed by Pino Donaggio reminds me of the cartoons of the 90's, seems to be a pun strange, but the composer veneto has created the melodies really iconic that fit into the medieval adventures of one of our protagonists, giving the sense of adventure that there was a cartoon that I watched as a child, when the protagonist was about to embark on a journey, but also of comedy and humour. In a nutshell a unique film that I recommend to everyone and that makes us understand how much we miss Troisi and that Benigni remains a unique actor of its kind, and that if it is true that the union makes the strength, this film is a truly fantastic result.

by Giacomo Fantini rating: 3,50 of 5

24 June 2021

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